SMT-ASSY Supports the West-Island Cancer Wellness Centre

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Leyanis Guevara, co-owner of SMT-ASSY Electronique in Pointe-Claire supports the West-Island Cancer Wellness Centre in the development of their new location that is presently being built and soon to open! Above is Mrs Debbie Magwood accepting the donation by Leyanis Guevara.

About the West Island Cancer Wellness Centre

The West Island Cancer Wellness Centre (WICWC) is a registered charity dedicated to offering compassionate care and support to anyone experiencing cancer – either having it themselves or supporting someone with cancer. The WICWC believes in a whole-person integrated approach to wellness that focuses on improving the health and well-being of people living with cancer by addressing their emotional, physical and spiritual needs.  All of the WICWC programs and services are FREE OF CHARGE and are created to support and complement traditional medical practices.